Not to be too pushy, but you 'got' supporter status. You can just post suggestions in a certain thread* till the cows come home. And I already know that Audio Portal Moderator ADR3-N will love the point you made above. ;)
That being said, most 'Art Portal-artists' get their work converted into .WEBP - which is proprietary Microsoft bullshit that nobody in the entire world should use, because it's only going to cause various "unforeseen" issues and it blurs like crazy. Do you see my avatar? I had to put a lot of work into making 'something pixelated' not have a ton of artifacting, just because of the crappy conversion. It's insane. We have .JPG, which can be set to produce great quality for quite a while now, if you're okay with minor loss. We have the lossless .PNG (which can also handle animation, btw)... Along comes Microsoft with a format that's a worse version of both of those combined and people actually use it. I don't get it...
Thanks for the thread, I'll make sure to post there soon!
And yeah .WEBP sucks, fuck Microsoft, but that's really weird NG forces that. I swear I've downloaded art from this site before and always gotten jpgs or pngs, never webp. I don't get why anyone would use Microsoft's thing willingly either.
Oh and you aren't pushy fyi! Thank you for the suggestion!
Not to be too pushy, but you 'got' supporter status. You can just post suggestions in a certain thread* till the cows come home. And I already know that Audio Portal Moderator ADR3-N will love the point you made above. ;)
That being said, most 'Art Portal-artists' get their work converted into .WEBP - which is proprietary Microsoft bullshit that nobody in the entire world should use, because it's only going to cause various "unforeseen" issues and it blurs like crazy. Do you see my avatar? I had to put a lot of work into making 'something pixelated' not have a ton of artifacting, just because of the crappy conversion. It's insane. We have .JPG, which can be set to produce great quality for quite a while now, if you're okay with minor loss. We have the lossless .PNG (which can also handle animation, btw)... Along comes Microsoft with a format that's a worse version of both of those combined and people actually use it. I don't get it...
Synaptic-Purge (Updated )
Thanks for the thread, I'll make sure to post there soon!
And yeah .WEBP sucks, fuck Microsoft, but that's really weird NG forces that. I swear I've downloaded art from this site before and always gotten jpgs or pngs, never webp. I don't get why anyone would use Microsoft's thing willingly either.
Oh and you aren't pushy fyi! Thank you for the suggestion!